9 research outputs found

    Towards Semantic Knowledge Maps Applications: Modelling the Ontological Nature of Data and Information Governance in a R&D Organization

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    In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately prepared to match the knowledge needed to be used in decision‐making processes. However, faced with the paradigm of complexity that currently dictates the dynamics of modern organizations, there is still a search for operational solutions that allow agility and flexibility to corporate information flows to meet that desired condition. In this context, the concept of data and information governance presents itself as a fundamental premise because it systematizes, reorganizes and reorients each element of the organizational system (people, processes, structures, etc.) without losing the notion of its contexts and causalities. For this, in the conceptual modelling of governance, the concept of systemism arises to support the balance between holistic and reductionist approaches, inherent in management processes, but often considered antagonistic or contradictory. The present chapter presents and discusses a data and information governance model for research and development (R&D) organizations. The model is based upon the concepts of data, information and knowledge life cycles and knowledge mapping, recovering and valuing the ontological nature of the elements of the system under analysis and constructing a pragmatic proposal for corporate application and operation

    Ecologia aplicada de anthonomus grandis grandis boheman, 1843 (coleoptera, curculionidae), na região de Campinas, SP

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    Orientador: Mohamed E.M. HabibDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo revelar aspectos da ecologia de Anthonomus grandis grandis, na região de Campinas, SP, incluindo flutuação populacional durante o ciclo do algodão e na entressafra e ocorrência e eficiência de inimigos naturais. São ainda avaliadas medidas de supressão de populações do inseto pertencentes a programas de Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP), bem como a economia de tais medidas. A flutuação populacional do inseto foi estudada durante o ciclo do algodão 1983?84, em duas áreas experimentais, submetidas a programas de MIP que incluíram o uso de plantas iscas, armadilhas de feromônio, aplicação de inseticidas de ação seletiva, além de avaliações semanais de monitoramento. O nível populacional da praga foi avaliado através de três parâmetros: 1. Sintomas de ataque (alimentação e reprodução) do inseto em botões florais, flores e maçãs de algodão; 2. Presença de adultos em plantas; 3. Captura de adultos em armadilhas de feromônio. Tais armadilhas foram também utilizadas nos estudos durante a entressafra. As populações de A. g. grandis, nos campos estudados, apresentaram um padrão de flutuação, durante o ciclo, que acompanhava a disponibilidade dos recursos alimentares e de reprodução, sem no entanto, alcaçar índices no período anterior às colheitas... Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: The present study was undertaken in order to reveal some ecological aspects of the cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), under field conditions in Campinas, State of São Paulo. Population densities of this insect pest, during and between cotton seasons, were estimated. Survey of some natural enemies was realized and their efficiencies were evaluated. Suppressive action was exerted on populations of the boll weevil utilizing Plant Traps and selective insecticides, within an IPM program. Effectiveness and advantages of these two methods were analysed. The research was realized in two separate Experimental Areas. A. g. grandis populations were evaluated through three indicators: 1) feeding and oviposition symptoms in squares, Flowers and bolls, 2) presence of adults on cotton plants, and 3) adults captured in specific pheromone traps. During the cotton season, the populations of this insect pest began to appear at least 6 weeks after cotton plant germination and did not reach any level of economic significance. However, after harvesting, high population densities were detected due to new formation of squares. Destruction of cotton stalks immediately after harvesting is recommended, as a mechanical control method. The weekly applications of Thiodan in the Plant Trap strips, protected the cotton field during approximately two months... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertationsMestradoEcologiaMestre em Ciências Biológica

    Analise e aplicabilidade do complexo ecologico de Anthonomus grandis Boheman, 1843 (coleoptera, curculionidae), na região de Campinas, SP

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    Orientador : Mohamed E. M. HabibTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo fornecer uma análise abrangente do complexo ecológico no qual Anthonomus grandis Boheman está inserido na região de Campinas, SP, bem como avaliar sua aplicabilidade em termos de orientação para a elaboração de programas de M.I.P. Durante quatro anos consecutivos, foram desenvolvidos estudos que visam descrever o comportamento populacional do curculionídeo tanto durante o ciclo do algodão, como durante a entressafra considerando, conjuntamente, as influências dos fatores climáticos, da fenologia do algodoeiro cultivado, a atuação dos inimigos naturais e do impacto de medidas de supressão das populações das pragas da cultura. Os resultados desses estudos permitiram visualizar que as populações de A. grandis exibem, durante o ano, um padrão bem definido de comportamento. O início de cada ciclo caracterizou-se, sempre, por apresentar baixíssimos níveis populacionais, que somente atingiram valores preocupantes quando as medidas de controle não puderam ser adequadamente empregadas. Nesse particular, os fatores climáticos, como estiagem prolongada no início de primavera, inviabilizando a instalação de cultura isca ou pesadas chuvas, atrapalhando as operações de aplicação de inseticidas, foram os principais problemas enfrentados. Mesmo assim, tal aumento nunca se deu antes de a cultura completar 60 dias. Em todos os campos estudados observou-se que os frutos, formados durante a fase da cultura em que há abundância de botões florais, ficaram relativamente livres do ataque do inseto, por causa da sua preferência por estes últimos sítios de alimentação e reprodução. ...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: The presente work was undertaken in order to obtain an over-all analysis of the ecological complex in which Anthonomus grandis Boheman is included in the region of Campinas, SP, Brazil. Also, the applicability of this analysis in the elaboration of I.P.M. programs was considered. During a continuous period of four years, the population behavior of A. grandis was evaluated. The effects of climate, host plant phenology, natural enemies and control methods were analysed. These studies revealed that the insect populations exhibit a characteristic behavior which was repeated yearly. In the beginning of each season the infestation level was extremely low. Only during the plant flowering stage, the boll weevil population density could reach a considerable level, principally when control methods were not adequately utilized. In this case, the trapping plants were not grown successfully due to drought during Spring. Also, excess of rainy water reduced the efficiency of chemical control in such a case. It was observed, also during the present study. That A. grandis prefers squares than bolls for feeding and reproduction. Specific symptoms and signs could be utilized to identify and evaluate the different natural mortality factors affecting this insect in squares as well as in bolls. However, in the first site, putrefaction showed to be the principal cause of death, due to the high humidity at the soil surface. On the other hand, the natural occurrence of Bracon spp. was the main mortality factors for the second site. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertationsDoutoradoDoutor em Ecologi

    Collaborative Environments in RD&I Institutions of the Brazilian Agricultural Sector

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    Research, development and technological innovation (RD&I) companies promote inter- and intra-organizational interactions based on the formation of research nets. This arrangement prioritizes the use of competencies of both people and institutions, stimulating the generation of new knowledge and competencies, and consequently technological innovation. The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – Embrapa, responsible for knowledge generation and technological innovation in the Brazilian agricultural sector, has put a lot of effort into the establishment of a collaborative environment which allows the exchange of information, knowledge and experience among researchers and promote new knowledge, competencies and technological innovation. The present paper discusses conceptual bases and presents a model of collaborative environment established by the above-mentioned corporation in order to favor the learning and the production of innovative solutions in agricultural research nets

    Sustainability assessment of sugarcane production systems: SustenAgro Decision Support System

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    The concept of agricultural sustainability could be summarized as the ability of agricultural systems to maintain their production in the long term without depleting the available resources for future uses. This study proposes a decision support system for assessing the sustainability of the agricultural production and industrial processing of sugarcane in south-central Brazil by providing information structured according to criteria and indicators in the environmental, economic, and social dimensions. The information is organized using three tools: i) spreadsheets for evaluating technological efficiency, production efficiency and costs (Sugarcane Agro-industrial System Efficiency Index); ii) spreadsheet for evaluating sustainability indicators and generating the Sustainability Index; and iii) a combination of both indexes to construct the Sustainability Matrix and Semaphore, and to provide recommendations for sustainability management. The proposed decision support system contains a software (version 1.0, wherein all the information is available in electronic format, which helps to maximize assessment accuracy). Therefore, strategies such as the SustenAgro system, which helps to manage and to guide public policies, can improve the sector and enable suppliers and mills to ensure sustainable growth32The authors gratefully acknowledge the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation / Embrap